Call for Art:National IronA Juried National Exhibition of Cast Iron Art
The Missoula Art Museum, in conjunction with the Western Cast Iron Art Alliance, seeks to exhibit a diverse national collection of artwork made in the medium of cast iron.
All aesthetics and styles of contemporary artwork will be considered. Any scale of work will be considered, however, understand that artists will be responsible for shipping accepted work to and from the museum by the deadlines below.
The exhibition will open from 5-9 pm on May 7th, coinciding with the Missoula First Friday gallery walk and the 2nd night of the Western Cast Iron Art Conference!
March 29th, 2010—Deadline for Submission online
April 2nd, 2010—Artists notified by email
May 7th –August 29th, 2010—Exhibition Dates
April 26th, 2010—All work delivered to the museum by this date
September 15th—All work picked up in person or by carrier by this date
Jurors: Stephen Glueckert, Curator of Exhibitions, Missoula Art Museum
David Lobdell, Professor of Art, New Mexico Highlands University
Submissions:Artists may submit up to 5 digital images of cast iron art. All submissions will be made to: Applicants should upload images as jpg. no larger than 1220px @ 72 dpi. There is a $10 submission fee at the time of upload via credit or debit card. This pays for the cost of the service. Shipping: Accepted artwork must arrive at the museum by April 26th and be picked up in person or by carrier from museum by September 15th.
Please ship all accepted work, appropriately packaged/labeled for return to:
Missoula Art Museum
335 North Pattee
Missoula, MT 59802