Sunday, January 5, 2014

Another Exciting Year to Begin

Really, it's was a huge fall semester and now we are already in to 2014! I didn't update once even though we had a spectacular semester. Honestly we've been posting more on our USM Sculpture Guild Facebook page.

We have had some great success in our program and that is shown with a recent increase in new majors. We call it, coming over to the dark side. Another very exciting thing happening is a search for a new assistant professor in ceramic sculpture. If you work in academia you know how hard new positions are to come by so we are especially excited. I thought in my next few posts I would show images of our spaces and some student work too. We are not a huge program, but we have our own building for sculpture and try to make improvements each year. We are an undergrad program in sculpture with ceramics as one of our mediums. We have a small (and growing fast) group of dedicated and talented majors, many of whom are planning for graduate school and other careers in art. Anyway, I could spend hours talking about our wonderful majors but if you come here as a student to study or are lucky enough to get an interview for the faculty position you'll see what I am talking about!

Ceramics studio

Group crit space

Kiln pad

Matt Scott, left, talks about his work in upper level sculpture

Michelle talks about her ceramic sculpture in Sculpture I class

Sculpture I crit

Ceramic studio, from another direction