Thursday, July 22, 2010

Empty Bowls Project

Below is a message from Byron Myrick, from Jones Junior College.

This is a great project. Get involved!

Hey everyone, I hope you can help us out again with the empty
bowls project. It was very successful last year, all the bowls were snapped up, and the money went to two good food projects, the Salvation Army, and the Red Cross.

Of course since it went so well they would like to expand it this year, the good news is that we have longer to make the bowls. They are going to move the delivery to March 2011, but since they would like more bowls I would like to get started as soon as we can. Can we do the morning on August 7th and then maybe one or two more mornings spread about a month apart.
We could do some throwing and maybe some glazing at the later Saturdays. I know everyone may not be able to make all the work secessions but any you can would be a big help.
I would like anyone that wants to, to make a small stamp/chop to mark the bowls they make. We didn't do that last year and there were lots of questions as to who made "my bowl" so if you like, maybe your initials in a simple design.

If you know anyone else that would like to join us in making bowls, the more the merrier. If you would like for me to call them send names and numbers Please let me know if you can make it, if you have any questions give me a call 601-752-5172 or email of course,

Hope to hear from you soon

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