Monday, August 30, 2010

USM Budget Cuts- SAD!!!

From and email out to Faculty and Staff this morning details programs to be cut from USM, Art and Design loses two programs- read on...

Dear Southern Miss Family,

I have the unfortunate task of advising you of our proposed budget cuts for the 2012 fiscal year. It is especially painful that this announcement comes at a time of record enrollment and unparalleled successes within the university.

The IHL Board of Trustees has asked all the state’s universities to develop plans to address anticipated budget losses. Our anticipated decrease for 2012 is approximately $15 million. Just as in the past year, we have started this process early in order to give ourselves the required time to notify faculty and staff members and to find any possible alternatives.

These decisions were guided by but not restricted to the recommendations of the University Priorities Committee. We owe the members of the UPC a debt of thanks for their long and arduous work and for providing valuable insights to the Executive Cabinet.
Reductions will come from the following areas: Academic Priorities (program deletions and consolidations), Academic Support Services, Administrative Support Services and campus-wide initiatives. The reductions are included within this letter. Regrettably, these reductions will result in job losses for faculty and staff. Students enrolled in programs targeted for elimination will be allowed a reasonable time to complete their degree programs. Also, an appeal process is being developed for programs requesting reconsideration.

Selected degree programs and academic initiatives will be eliminated in all five of the academic colleges. Twenty-nine faculty members have been notified that the current academic year will be the terminal year on their contracts. These include 3 Tenured Professors, 11 Tenured Associate Professors, 11 Untenured Assistant Professors, and 4 Instructors. Ten of these individuals serve in the College of Arts & Letters, three in the College of Business, eight in the College of Education & Psychology, four in the College of Health, three in the College of Science & Technology, and one in the University Libraries. Six of the affected faculty members teach on USM’s Gulf Coast campus.

Campus-wide initiatives may include the redistribution of indirect cost funds from research grants and contracts, possible furloughs for all employees, and a possible retirement incentive program.
Please accept my deep appreciation for your steadfast support during these unprecedented economic trials. We will continue to work together toward positive solutions and a sound future for our university.

Sincerely yours,

Martha Saunders

Academic Program Deletion or Consolidation
Allied Health, Bachelor of Science Gulf Coast *
Allied Health, Bachelor of Science Hattiesburg *
Art, Bachelor of Arts (retain Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art) *
Art Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts *

Engineering Technology (Computer Science), Master of Science *
Criminal Justice (Consolidation to Hattiesburg)
Early Oral Intervention, Master of Science *
Education of the Deaf, Bachelor of Science *
Engineering Technology Master of Science (CM, LM, ACV) *
Geology, Master of Science *
Higher Education Administration, Education Specialist *
Interscholastic Athletic Administration, Master of Science *
Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration *
Marine Science, Bachelor of Science Gulf Coast *
MBA (Consolidation to Gulf Coast)
Paralegal (Consolidation to Hattiesburg)
Philosophy, Master of Arts *
Physical Education Licensure, Master of Science *
Political Science, Master of Arts (Consolidation to Hattiesburg)
Psychiatric Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing *
Recreation Leisure Management, Bachelor of Science *
Recreation Administration, Bachelor of Science *
Religion, Bachelor of Arts *
Sports and High Performance Materials: Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy *
Technology Education: Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy *

* Program closures require approval by the Board of Trustees


There is more to the email detailing various savings in different areas, but my feeling is that although there may be savings for the state and University the great loss will be to the students.

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